
Musings from wendy & krystal for purpose driven entrepreneurs

How to Have the Tough Talk: Setting Profit Expectations with Your Spouse

How to Have the Tough Talk: Setting Profit Expectations with Your Spouse

February 26, 20241 min read

Entrepreneurs often dive into business ownership attracted by dreams of freedom, flexibility, and wealth. However, promising your spouse or other stakeholders unrealistic profit projections can set the stage for painful conversations down the road. Avoid marital discord by clearly defining your stakeholders, setting realistic expectations, creating a strategic business plan, and communicating profit expectations.

As an entrepreneur, your business impacts more than just you. Your spouse, partners, investors, or even children have an interest in the success and profitability of your company. These people are considered stakeholders, so keep them informed by having regular conversations about your business.

When launching your business, calculate potential revenue and expenses to determine realistic profit projections. Rather than picking arbitrary pricing or relying on best case scenarios, use profit calculators to quantify your goals. Share these numbers openly with stakeholders so everyone is on the same page regarding what is feasible at your current stage.

Formalize your business strategy into a documented plan outlining your model, target audience, 3-5 year projections, and more. Treat this as a living document that you continually revisit and update based on market conditions and capacity. Giving stakeholders visibility into the plan sets clear expectations and shows them you have a thoughtful approach.

While monetary gain may be a goal, remind loved ones this business also feeds your passion and personal growth. My spouse thought I was only doing this for money until I explained the ways it fulfills me beyond finances. Listen to any concerns they share and provide realistic updates on where you actually stand compared to initial projections.

By clearly defining stakeholders, setting realistic expectations, documenting your business strategy, and maintaining open communication, you avoid difficult conversations about profitability down the road. Instead you cultivate trust and understanding.

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