The online world is full of people trying to live a dual image lifestyle. It's all pretty pictures on instagram of how we all have it together. But we know better.
Behind the scenes of entrepreneurship - especially solopreneurship - things can be hard.
We think it's so easy to get caught up in #allthethings that you start to forget why the hell you are doing this in the first place. That's where we came in. We help digital entreprenuers Savour™ their life.
Stepping out of your comfort zone
Align with your purpose, passions and interests
Venture under your own power
Open yourself to community and connections
Unwind with self-care
Ritualize gratitude and celebrating.
The road to success as an entrepreneur is not a straight line...
We offer private 2:1 Coaching where you get the best of a Certified Business Coach and a Certified Master Marketer in your pocket!
Our coaching is designed to help you reach your next business goal by backward planning and giving you actionable steps to achieve them including on call tech support for Go High Level/FG Funnels, SOP's for automations for your team, templates, mindset support, strategy and more.
Are you struggling with finding the purpose in your business? Are you ready for a change? Not sure how to get there? Check out our Purposeful Pivoting Program for your personalized plan to rejuvenate your business and your life.
Do you have a goal that you want to work on right now, you just need help with accountability, imposter syndrom or tech to help you get there?
Or maybe you know you want to work with a business and marketing coach, but not sure what that entails? Schedule a call today with Krystal to get started on your Purpose Driven Goal and see how the Serendiptious Rebels can help you get to where you need to go!
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